Monday, August 25, 2008

Jordan Bay update

I visited a camp in Jordan Bay. I had not visited this camp since the 1990s. What a decline in water quality. I could not see the bottom anymore. The rocks were coated in slime and spike rush had overtaken the bottom near shore. The beach for late August was small at two feet below full pond. The camps in this area were old and heavily wooded- no development in 60 years.
Portland Water District data is saying what I am seeing out there about the clarity decline since 1990.
What a shame. Remember Ron Lovaglio, that DOC commissioner who made it sure no State Employee would say anything about his irresponsible highly unnatural lake level plan except him. He needs to go for a swim in some of these places. Since he is a big time regional manager for SAPPI and earns a 6 figure salary plus he can afford something that is not so slimy and has , good beaches. I do not mean to be too hard on Ron after all Gov. Baldacci and his folks have Ron beat. They had a chance to help Sebago in the relicensing and all they wanted to do was make Sebago higher. Baldacci's buddy over at Point Sebago needs that water higher enough to float a boat in and have something
more than ankle deep water to swim in.
It is amazing how the State is delaying the new license. It will be at least 5 years before the State files water quality certification after the 2005 FERC license completion so the license can move forward. The Baldacci administration thinks the marinas have a good point that less water should be run out of the lake during a drought in order to insure the highest lake levels and they need a study to see how low a flow they can run in the Presumpscot before they kill all life.

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