Thursday, July 12, 2007

How Not To Restore A River ...

The proposed Presumpscot River Settlement Agreement is a case study in how not to restore a river and its native aquatic species.


Because the Agreement is built on politics, money and politics and money. Not on what native fish and aquatic animals need to survive.

It is a feel good salve. A one day headline grabber. A pat ourselves on the backer. A get a few grants out of this-er.

It is not about restoring a river or restoring its native fish. Nor will it.

You can't say you are restoring a river but at the same time legally prevent its restoration for the next 10-30 years.

That is the case here.

A "Restoration Plan" which legally bars fish from swimming up the Presumpscot River for 10 years cannot be said to help fish in their efforts to swim up the Presumpscot River.

You can't provide passage for fish at a dam by denying them passage at the same dam.

For the next 10 years.

That just makes no sense.

Especially if you are a Presumpscot River Atlantic salmon.

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