Saturday, October 6, 2007

Murch on Sebago Lake

In the Lakes Region Weekly October 5, 2007 its says," Sebago Lake beaches have become significantly reduced throughout the past decades, and Murch said that there is evidence that the shorelimne is still adjusting to the dam." "You are not looking at a natural lake anymore." said Murch.

I have a few comments on Murch's statements.
The dam was permanently raised in 1878. Historical water level charts indicate that lake levels reached todays near full pond levels prior to the 1878 improvements to the dam. The lake had equilibrated to the higher lake level average in the first 60 years since 1878.
This is evidenced by the 40 years of shoreline stability from the 1940's until the 1980's noted by FERC in the 1996 EIS. Then comes Dana Murch's DEP approved and orchestrated higher lake levels post 1987 which have destroyed Sebago's beaches and harmed the ecosystem and water quality. The DEP must be very scared and to cover their liability has resorted to making misleading statements as they have done in this article. The DEP approved the ending of the lake level management prior to 1987 which more mimicked the water level seasonal cycle that which would occur in nature.
Thanks to DEP this lake is unnaturally regulated.It is a natural lake that is impounded by a badly managed dam.

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